Information Security Awareness Training

Information security is a process that moves through phases building and strengthening itself along the way through security awareness training . Security comprises of major phases involving prevention, detection, and response. The ultimate goal of the information security process is to protect information through Confidentiality, Integrity & Availability.

Attacks compromise systems in a number of ways that affect one if not all of these attributes. An attack on confidentiality would be unauthorized disclosure of information. An attack on integrity would be the destruction or corruption of information and an attack on availability would be a disruption or denial of services. An organization succeeds in protecting these attributes by proper planning and awareness training.

At ShieldByte we emphasis on training before an incident which will greatly reduce the risks of an attack and greatly increase the capabilities of a timely and effective detection and response. The goal of an awareness program is not merely to educate employees on potential security threats and what they can do to prevent them.
