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    The exponential growth in digital payments in India and the push towards a cashless economy has renewed focus on the need to strengthen financial cyber security. Banks and financial institutions are extremely vulnerable to various forms of cyber attacks and online frauds. India has steadily moved up the ranking for countries with the highest number of financial Trojan infections over the past three years. At least forty percent of Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (‘BSFI’) businesses have been attacked at least once.


    The adoption of IT in healthcare systems has began using new technology to manage confidential EHR \ EMR records and automate highly standardized tasks. Financial data can quickly become unusable after being stolen, because people can quickly change their credit card numbers,but medical data are not perishable, which makes them particularly valuable. Some in the medical industry speculate that medical data could grow to rival or surpass financial data in value on the black market.


    The manufacturing industry is now one of the most frequently hacked industries, coming second only to healthcare. The vulnerability often lies in businesses believing that they’re not likely targets because they don’t hold vast amounts of consumer data and therefore, they don’t concentrate on cyber security. And as industrial technology advances, manufacturers are increasingly using cloud, data analytics and mobile to improve their connectivity and infrastructure. This means a larger attack surface from which cyber criminals can infiltrate. It is vital for data security to be treated as a business issue, as opposed to just an IT problem. This is about more than just changing passwords regularly; time and should be taken to develop a comprehensive information security plan


    The new report identifies strategic challenges and specific needs for cyber security in the energy sector in four key areas involving management of risks and threats, cyber defense, cyber resilience, and the capacity and competences needed to take action. Digital technologies play an increasingly important role in energy infrastructure and are used to control energy production, transmit information about consumption, and monitor demand. This means that the energy sector is more at risk of cyber threats: potential attacks on the computer systems used for these purposes. it is very important that energy infrastructure is protected from possible security breaches and cyber attacks that could result in information theft, security issues and blackouts.


    Retail industry consumer data is a goldmine as they hold so much personal customer information which is increasing as retailers amass ever more customer data via online shopping, digital marketing and loyalty schemes. For retailers, the online market has seen huge growth in recent years with online sales growing each year. The same period has seen the parallel rise of ever more elaborate forms of cyber-related crimes against both retail businesses and online shoppers. Businesses have a responsibility to take steps to protect themselves and their customers confidential information.