PCI DSS Compliance

" Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard ", PCI DSS, formed in 2006 is a structure created by the PCI Security Standards Council. This open global forum raises awareness, manages, educates and develops the PCI Security Standards. For rapid development in payment card technology, PCI SSC is responsible for its regular updates. PCI DSS main aim is to set operational and technical requirements for individuals who own card holder data, so there could be a decrease in breaches in payment data security and fraudulent payment card activities.

ShieldByte PCI DSS compliance will perform a gap analysis and perform the required testing to be able to inform the client of the controls that need remediation to achieve PCI compliance. The assessment will include a review of the cardholder production network and supporting technical documentation. The assessment process may include Interviews with company personnel to determine what PCI requirements are in place and where remediation is required.

PCI DSS Compliance Process

  • Comprehensive review for cardholder data locations ( CDE) &          Applications
  • Review of cardholder data systems
  • Evaluate System Security
  • Evaluate Environment Security
  • Evaluate Non-Technical Environment
  • Remediation support

Benefits of PCI DSS Compliance

  • Reduces the cost of a data breach
  • Improve customer relationship
  • Protects your clients
  • Provides a security standard

PCI DSS Compliance